Spiritual Rewilding

Develop a spiritual path and practice that reconnects you with the land, reawakens your wild self and transforms your relationship with nature for deeper growth, grounding and wellbeing.

  • Discover Practices to Re-Connect with your Wild Self

  • Re-Membering our interconnectedness with the rest of the living world

  • Re-Awakening our Ancient Earth Honouring Traditions

  • Re-Weaving our Sacred Connection with the Land

 Growing Earth Centred Spirituality

What is the role of our spiritual path in these times of change?

In these times of change, as well as the necessary practical shift in our lifestyles and culture, we also need a shift within us: a return to seeing ourselves a part of nature, interconnected and interdependent, rather than separate from, apart from, and superior to.

Over many years, I have been sharing earth centred practices for connecting with the nature and developing a sacred relationship and spiritual path that acknowledges and honours the other-than-human and unseen worlds. In the past few years, this has culminated in this work of Spiritual Rewilding.

Spiritual Rewilding

Practices for Reawakening our Wild Self - Online Course with Jonathan Weekes

For those who want to go deeper in learning practices and approaches for deepening our connection with the land around us, and connecting with the Wild Spirit within us, please see information below about our Online Course.

This eight-week online course, enables you to go through at your own pace, covering six pathways for connecting profoundly with place and waking your connection with the earth.

Featured articles on the Spiritual Rewilding Blog